KIS PYP Upper Grade School PE news
Online Learning Week 1
Welcome Back to PE!!!
A very big 'Welcome Back!' to all our existing students and an equally as big 'Pleased to meet you!' to all out new students at KIS!
I hope you all had a fantastic summer, getting plenty of exercise and enjoying playing as much sport as you possibly could!
We are going to start the term with some fun, active exercises and games based around the Olympic games, so make sure you have your PE kit and water bottle ready as we look forward to an energetic start this week! See you all soon!

Term 3 Online learning 2021
Hi everybody! Here are all the slides and exercises for this weeks PE online learning. If you miss a lesson, feel free to have a look at the slide and practice the skill or exercise that we doing in the lesson!
In all classes we will be working synchronous sessions where students will check in at the start and warm-up with the teacher. Thdn they will have the chance to go away and practice the skill or fitness activity by themselves for 10 minutes before reporting back with the rest of the class and then perform the skill together! Some examples of what this might look like during our Google Meets sessions are: Fitness Blitz, Basketball skills and Coordination skills!
Your child's Homeroom Teachers will share the Google meets links or even better still, go to the Google Classroom PE page for all update PE information!
Sports Day 2020!
There was plenty of fun, excitement, competition and SPIRIT at the KIS Primary Sports Day 2020 which took place last Friday (4th December).
On a beautiful cool morning on the KIS playing fields, running conditions were perfect as the students in all of Primary school showed great sporting skills that enthralled all the teachers and parents who had come to watch! Students from G3-5 used this opportunity to finish off their Athletics UOI as they took part in the 60m, 100m, 300m, 4-x75m relay and the whole team relay.
In a keenly contested event, Naga house won the G3 & 5 event whilst Erawan won the G4 competition.
Well done to everybody for taking part and showing great KIS Spirit!!
Sports Day 2020!
Here is all the information and races for Sports Day, this Friday (4th December)!
The Grade 1-Grade 5 Sports Day 2020 is nearly upon us, here are some details regarding times to put in your diary. Each grade will participate individually but the points will be collected together for grade and overall House Points total. The Event takes place this coming Friday December 4th, on the playing field, If the Air Quality is high, the activities will be moved into the sports hall. Times depend on the grade your child(ren) is in:
Grade 1 8:00-8:45am
Grade 2 8:45-9:30am
Grade 3 9:50-10:30am
Grade 4 10:30-11:10am
Grade 5 12:00-12:50pm
As with every year, we ask that the students wear their House shirts, PE shorts and trainers to school. They also need to bring a hat, water bottle and apply plenty of sunscreen!
Friday 4th December is a normal school day, you may sign out your children once their final grade level event has been completed if you wish to get a jump start on your long weekend, however, school will continue as normal for the remainder of the day.
Please come along to cheer on your child. It’s important we remember to not become overcrowded and do our best to distance ourselves, and wear masks at all times. We look forward to seeing you on sports da
Maths week & PE!
Grades 3-5 have had lots of fun integrating Maths into their PE lessons this week!
First, we looked at Middle distance running in Athletics where students had to pace their speeds according to how many metres they were running and then they had to work together as a team and use their Maths skills to figure out how many metres they would each run individually to complete their team task.
In swimming, we used shapes and size to good effect to complete a team task. Students had to swim a length with their kickboards and then at the end had used their Maths skills to build to the tallest (non-falling!) tower with all their teams kickboards!
Athletics in PE!
Students in Grades 3-5 have had a fantastic time inquiring into how they can run faster as part of their first few lessons of their Athletics UOI. We have looked at how swinging our arms (from pocket to ear socket!) and bringing our knees up enables us to move quicker (see video with G3), and we have also been experimenting with the quickest way in which we can start a race. We are combining this with making mini-Olympic teams and assigning each other roles to see who will come away with the Olympic trophy!
Handball 2020!
House spirit sports are back at KIS!
Last week Grades 3-5 took part in the annual House tournament in our new gymnasium. It was a fantastic and energetic day with lots of passion, teamwork - and most importantly - spirit!
Well done to Hanuman and Erawan who swept the board at the event, but well done to everybody! Check out the GoPro videos below for in-time action!
Swim Gala & Super Sports!
Although the school residential trips had to be postponed this year, students in G3-5 still took part in lots of sporty activities last week with our Swimming Gala on Thursday and then House 'Steal the Bacon' on Friday! As you can see from the photos, the students really did give every last ounce of effort and commitment to their team, both on land and in water! The atmosphere over the two days was electric and we would like to thank the students for their incredible effort! Click on the photos below to see more photos of the events!
Swim Gala 2020!
Grades 3-5 have been working hard all year in preparation for the annual Swimming gala, and it will take place on Thursday 27th February. Grades 3&4 will be in the pool 10.00-11.20 whilst G5 will be competing from 12.10-13.30. Parents are invited to come down and watch - we will be introducing the Surfboard relay and Army course to proceedings this year! Please see below for your childs' races. N.B. Activities will be modified due to AQI levels.
Ironman & Ironwoman 2020!
Students in PYP Grades 3-5 have been using their swimming lessons to participate in an Ironman & Ironwoman competition! Discovering more about their Health and Fitness and the effects of regular exercise on their bodies, students competed in a mini-biathlon and recorded their times. All students worked extremely hard and prizes were given out in assembly for the fastest teams!
G5&U Boys & Girls Football teams both win Championships!
Both U11 KIS Boys & Girls teams won their respective championships with wins at the annual AISAA tournaments this week! The Girls were undefeated in their games against Concordian, Wells and Ekamai International Schools, whilst the boys completed the same feat at the tournament held here at KIS. See below for a video from the Boys tournament!
Orienteering at KIS!
Students in UGS have been learning all about maps, compasses and directions during the last few weeks in PE. They have used their skills and knowledge of identifying landmarks and reading maps and coordinates to perform a series of team challenges. All students worked exceptionally hard and this activity was especially relevant for G3 students as in tied in perfectly with the current UOI - Explorations!
Outdoor and Adventure Unit (OAA)!
Grades 3-5 have spent this last week taking part in fun, inclusive team-building games as they start their OAA unit of Inquiry. Have a look at the fantastic teamwork, communication and creative thinking skills on show here from our students!
Sports Day 2020!
Even Bangkoks' pollution couldn't keep KIS students away from being active and sporty as they took part in this years' PYP Sports Day! Students from G1-5 enthusiastically played and raced each other in a number of activities throughout the day in our fantastic new gymnasium. Many thanks to all the parents who came to watch and cheer on their children - hopefully they were just as excited as the staff were to see the G3-5 points total go down to the last relay! Well done to everybody who took part and showed great commitment and enthusiasm for their houses!
Information for Sports Day 2020
Mark the date! Next Friday (17th January) is the KIS PYP Sports Day! All students from G1-5 will be taking part in a host of activities, games and races in the new gymnasium and the KIS sports fields. Please read the information below and feel free to come and support your child!
Welcome back to PYP PE!
Students in UGS were straight back into the rhythm of PE by showing initiative, communication and thinking skills in our timed Adventure course! Look at the teamwork and empathy showed by our G4 students as they helped their team-mates not to put their feet in the lava!
Net Games UOI
Students in G3-5 have been finishing off their Net games unit, where they have been investigating the links between Volleyball, Tennis and Badminton. Have a look at the students below playing a Badminton ladder tournament and also playing a fun game of Tennis-Cricket at the end of the lesson!
What a day for the Primary KIS athletes!! KIS regained their two AISAA Athletics crowns this week with a fantastic display at Berkeley International School. Both the G5_U and the G3-U produced some amazing displays, especially in the track events, to secure the 2019 title just ahead of Concordian and Berkeley. See below for some of the highlights.
Posted on 22/11/2019 by
Just before the October break, students from Grades 1-5 took part in the annual House Sports Spirit Day which saw them pit their wits against each other in team ball games and handball.
During an exciting morning, Grades 1-2 played a super active version of ‘capture the flag’ where the students captured plenty of balls (instead of a flag) whilst trying not to be tagged.
Grade 3 were next up after break and produced some fabulous shooting and passing skills in their handball competition – quite an amazing achievement considering they have only started learning the activity this term. The anticipation was building and after lunch, and there was a frenzied atmosphere as Grades 4-5 began their handball games in the new sports hall to a crescendo of noise. All houses got behind their respective teams and cheered them on until they were out of breath! The teams all displayed quick passing, great defending and sharp shooting as well as commitment, desire and teamwork in one of the most exciting and close competitions ever seen at KIS.
Well done everybody – what an incredible day! Watch the video below for some highlights!
Posted on 15/11/2019 by
Students from G1-5 have been finishing off their Gymnastics units in style this week! They have been forming group balances that include travel and the use of symmetry, cannon and unison. Watch Mr Zacks class perform amazing routines here!
Posted on 31/10/2019 by
Students in G4&5 have been working really hard to improve their freestyle technique.. so we have given them a helping hand by filming them with a GoPro camera! Students have performed a dive, glide and freestyle action – then watched themselves back using the Seesaw application and commented on their own technique. They have also compared their technique with this time last year and seen how much they have improved! Watch this video of the incredible improvements Ananya, Yama and Arty have made since G3!
Posted on 10/10/2019 by
Students in G4 were fantastic teachers this week as they coached each other in order to try and improve their partners’ diving technique. They used kick boards to stretch and dive out over before straightening their bodies and going into the streamline position. Next week we will be using GoPro videos to look at improving our freestyle performances!
Posted on 26/09/2019 by